Eutrophication: BalticSea2020 participates in the EU's efforts to improve manure management

Author: BalticSea2020
Year published: 2012

The EU has implemented an extensive inventory of how manure is handled and used in Europe. A significant finding was the techniques used to reduce emissions to air and water. It also includes an analysis of future trends in manure management, where BalticSea2020s conclusions from the project ”Best Available Technologies for pig manure” are included.

The BalticSea2020 project is part of the ten-year program Intensive Pig Production Program - measures reduced nutrient leaching from industrial animal husbandry. It aims to reduce the impact of the manure on the Baltic Sea and has identified appropriate action, and has contributed with specific recommendations for "Best Technologies". The conclusions of the work are now summarized in the EU report "Future Trends on Manure Processing Activities in Europe", available here. The full reports are available on the European Commission website.